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The Big Book of How to Fix Anything!


Written specifically to repair model horses such as Breyer and artist resin equine sculptures, the techniques in this book can also be applied to a variety of collectibles and treasures that may have suffered an injury over the course of their lifetime.  Restore cherished collectibles back to their original beauty!


Covers everything from simple repairs like paint rubs and chips, to more extensive repairs like missing legs, ears, grafting on new parts, and epoxy lifting from plastic.  


-85 pages of information covering how to fix everything.

- 32 pages of full-color pictures with step-by-step instructions

 - the restoration of an extreme case of lifting epoxy from start to finish


Digital download for immediate gratification.  Get working on restorations today!



All images and content © Liesl Dalpe are not to be used without permission.  NO REPRODUCTIONS OF ANY KIND.

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